Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why it matters that all students are readers

Readers / non-readers – it is not black and white, more of a continuum from basic to fluent – but basic level is not enough to cope with the increasing literacy demands of an information society.

Reading is important for students' educational prospects…

  • “Reading ability is the litmus test of academic success at secondary school” Wayne Mills, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland
  • ‘Being more enthusiastic about reading and a frequent reader was more of an advantage, on its own, than having well-educated parents in good jobs.’ Reading for Change, OECD, 2002 – reading can overcome socio-economic factors

Reading is important for students' personal enrichment, relationships and enjoyment…

  • Competent children at 14 – enjoyment of reading correlated with less risky behaviour, better relationships with family, more engagement with school…
  • "The core idea of literature is that we can re-present our lives and imaginations… the shared conversation about who we are or might be, what we think, what we imagine, what we feel...” Michael Rosen

Reading is important for students' understanding of the world and for their life…

  • “Reading for pleasure is the key to lifelong learning” Jim Knight, UK Minister for Schools and Learning
  • “Finding ways to engage students in reading may be one of the most effective ways to leverage social change” OECD, PISA 2002

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