Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome to this blog

Kia ora
It was a good day at Whangarei Boys' High School today - many thanks to Dee and Angela for their hospitality, and thoughts and best wishes to Rosemary.
The catering was amazing - fresh, appealing, varied and bountiful - please thank and congratulate the school's hospitality students.

So, what have you done as a result of attending the course ? If you've logged on to this blog that is a great start - well done. Now, let's hear what else you have been doing ? Visited LibraryThing and added a book or a rating and tags to the book you brought to the course to promote? Shared Google Wonderwheel or the Kids and Teens directory with staff and students? Bought some new graphic novels ? Checked out some of the Web 2.0 applications ?

I'm going to put some resources and links on this blog and then send it out to you. Let's keep it a closed blog for now, just for those invited and logged in, and then you can feel free to have a go at doing things within that friendly local community...

1 comment:

  1. Hi All, I definitely had an excellent day and learned lots. I enjoyed Rosemarie's talk about how to pick a winner, all the things I had never considered!
    I have shown our IT lady and a Jr SS teacher the added Google features and they were as impressed as I am.
    I showed my 15 year old son (who wasn't expecting much) and he pushed me off the seat to try it with lyrics to his favorite songs. Another use I hadn't thought of.
    Thank you to Dyane and Jeannie for organising the day which for me was worthwhile and fun, and yes the food was amazing, thanks for that too.
    PS- This is my first blog, something else I learned on Friday.
