Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Graphic novels

Dee, thanks for sharing your experience in developing the really strong collection of graphic novels at Whangarei Boys' High School - perhaps you'd like to post a list of some of the most popular titles - the "must haves" for anyone developing their collection ?
Meanwhile, here are the contact details for a couple of suppliers in Auckland...

Gotham Comics - ask for Jeremy
264 The Mall, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, Ph/Fax: 09 634 4399,
gotham@comics.co.nz http://www.comics.co.nz/contact.phphttp://www.comics.co.nz/nz-comics.php

Heroes for Sale K' Rd
277 Karangahape Rd, Newton, Auckland, New Zealand,

Usual booksellers such as Jabberwocky, Borders, Fishpond and Wheelers also stock a range of graphic novels.


  1. Hi Jeannie - Will post a list of "must haves" next week.

    Have had very successful visit by NZ comic artist/writer Dylan Horrocks. Check out his graphic novel "Hicksville" or his website www.hicksvillecomics.com

  2. Here are my "must haves": Maus 1 & 2 by Art Spiegelman, Persepolis 1 & 2 by Marjane Satrapi, Asterix series, Tintin series, Usagi Yojimbo by Stan Sakai (Samurai rabbit), Simpsons, Superheroes like Batman & Spiderman, Manga including Manga Shakespeare, classic novels like Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde and the hobbit, Greek Myths and graphic novels relating to popular fiction titles.

    The list could go on and on but my message is just to build up your collection little by little with a wide variety of genres both fiction & non-fiction to appeal to a wide audience.
