Thursday, September 3, 2009

This blog's future...

Hi all
I set this blog up to provide a place to make the content from the 2009 PD day at Whangarei Boys' High School in August readily available to all participants at that course, and to provide an opportunity for participants to have a go at "blogging" if they hadn't done it before.

From now on I'm going to continue to put posts onto my LibraryZest blog rather than this blog, so I imagine that unless the people who attend the Northland annual sec / area / intermediate school pd days want to maintain this blog, it will go into abeyance until perhaps our PD day next year when we can use it again as a place to make the links to resources and presentations, follow up discussions etc.

Let me know what you think, and if you would like another invitation to the LibraryZest blog email me at

In 2010 things will probably change anyway, what with the various online initiatives which National Library is developing.

Thanks to those who have participated by logging on, writing a post or a comment and even doing a photo... Good on you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jeannie for your work on this blog. It has given me the confidence to post comments or photos on a blog.

    I have just opened a LibraryThing account for WBHS too!
