Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Verity and "23 things" at Mahurangi College Library

Verity and the Mahurangi team shared the "23 things" that they have implemented, inspired by attending the SLANZA Conference in Christchurch last year which was friendly, welcoming and inspirational.
Verity really needs to write an article to expand on each aspect listed here, but for an overview this is a fantastic list of ways the Mahurangi College Library team have stretched themselves to do make new connections, improve and extend existing services, and develop the library and literacy for the school community...
  1. Purchased Suzette Boyd's excellent book The connected library utopia.press@yahoo.com.au
  2. Shared info with Southland Boys' HS about lunchtime computer use
  3. Student with Library Responsibility awarded Prefect status
  4. Reviewed USSR programme
  5. Joined the SLANZA wiki
  6. Arranged buddy visits with other local school librarian
  7. Ordered graphic novels and allowed free borrowing
  8. Recruited teachers to run book club and organised "Lunch Lit" quizzes
  9. Established Library Committee, which includes the Principal
  10. Used Genre posters for quick and easy displays
  11. Promoted copies of Des Hunt's books, signed "For the Mahurangi College student who is reading this book"
  12. Discussed Brian Faulkner's movie style book previews, and arranged visit by him to school
  13. Used book lists to guide buying
  14. Bought more multiple copies of popular books
  15. Promoted the ASB competition - students writing to authors
  16. Discussed SLANZA Conference presentations with staff
  17. Successfully lobbied for increased book budget
  18. Visited other libraries in Christchurch
  19. Took the Kids' Lit Quiz team to local book launch
  20. Started a calendar of events including Music month, Maori language week... flax weaving, paper plane flying, DoC talks at Sea Week etc
  21. Discussed with ESOL dept creating a picture book about Kiribati students coming to NZ - underway
  22. Setting up a Mahurangi College section of works produced by students
  23. Sent letter of congratulations to next year's prefects, asking them to take a photo of themselves reading during the summer holidays to be on display in the library at the start of the school year - good PR for them, for the library, for reading role models, and other students visiting the library to see the photos !

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